Email: McBride Fencing
Phone: 423-631-1327
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Randy Winterbeef producer
Versatility and ease of use make this reel stand ideal additions to my rotational grazing toolbox. They’re great for cross fencing or any location where there’s no stable place to anchor a reel. In seconds, I can place the reel stand, attach a reel, and be off with the line to establish the next paddock. In places where I once “cobbled” reel stands (which often took several minutes with results that were far from dependable) I now have a quick and reliable method of securing those reels.
I’m a 62 year old commercial cattle producer with more than a dozen years of experience with temporary fencing to improve grazing efficiency. With additions of extra watering locations, I am into my third year of even more intensive rotations. I work part time off the farm while managing a herd of about 100 cows on three different farms. When I’m creating new paddocks I need to do the job quickly, and I need to know that those fences will be reliable. This reel stand helps me meet those needs.